Záznam kolokviální přednášky - Stano Katina - What is important for the future of (applied) Czech science: Complex examples from biostatistics and data science |
Kolokviální přednáška se konala ve středu 9. května 2018 od 16:00 v posluchárně M1. Stano KatinaWhat is important for the future of (applied) Czech science: Complex examples from biostatistics and data science Abstract:What is statistics? What is data analysis? Is it good to question what a statistic is telling you? Are statistics an aid for your intelligence and judgement, or a replacement for them? What is bias? What has been measured? Is it important for applied scientist to learn basic statistical concepts? Is the statistics mirroring the process of building a house or is it reflecting only its decoration? What is a difference between statistician of 20th and 21st century? What is a difference between applied scientist of 20th and 21st century? |
Aktualizováno Čtvrtek, 10 Květen 2018 14:33 |
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