Záznam kolokviální přednášky - Stano Katina - What is important for the future of (applied) Czech science: Complex examples from biostatistics and data science |
Kolokviální přednáška se konala ve středu 9. května 2018 od 16:00 v posluchárně M1. Stano KatinaWhat is important for the future of (applied) Czech science: Complex examples from biostatistics and data science
Abstract:What is statistics? What is data analysis? Is it good to question what a statistic is telling you? Are statistics an aid for your intelligence and judgement, or a replacement for them? What is bias? What has been measured? Is it important for applied scientist to learn basic statistical concepts? Is the statistics mirroring the process of building a house or is it reflecting only its decoration? What is a difference between statistician of 20th and 21st century? What is a difference between applied scientist of 20th and 21st century?
During the colloquium we will ask many of these sort of questions and learn some basic concepts of statistics of 19th, 20th and 21st century. We will learn that even though data never lies, it is far too easy to be tricked by it, and even though we just said that data never lies, the way it is generated and collected can create deceptive conclusions. We also find out that the benefit of studying statistics is in gaining a skill set that is transferable to other research methods, disciplines and walks of life.
Some of the concepts will be applied on data from different medical fields, e.g. knee replacement surgery, electroencephalography, electrocardiography, magnetic resonance imaging, and facial modelling.
Záznam přednášky ZDE.
Aktualizováno Čtvrtek, 10 Květen 2018 14:33 |
Kolokvium - Hervé Gaussier - 11.4.2018 |
Kolokvium - Hervé Gaussier
Středa 11.4.2018, 16.00, posluchárna M1
Hervé Gaussier (Institute Fourier - Grenoble)
On the Schwarz Lemma and metrics in complex geometry.
Abstract. I will explain how the geometric approach of the Schwarz Lemma due to Ahlfors opened new perspectives in the metric geometry of complex manifolds and will present current problems in the theory.
Aktualizováno Pondělí, 09 Duben 2018 16:16 |