MUNI Seminar series - Menachem Magidor - Taming the Monster of Independence |
Mathematics, Physics & Computer Science Seminar SeriesSeminář se koná 23.11.2022 od 16:30 v Místodržitelském paláci, Moravské náměstí 1a Menachem MagidorTaming the Monster of Independence Abstract: Mathematicians feel that every genuine mathematical problem has a solution. Gödel's incompleteness theorem is a major challenge to this feeling, because it claims that every rich enough mathematical theory contains a statement that can not be proved or disproved by this theory. Namely: the problem is independent of present theory. The result of the last half a century showed that many problems in many subfields of Mathematics are independent of the usual axiom system mostly used by mathematicians: ZFC. The most famous one is the Continuum Hypothesis, CH. Discovering that a problem you spent a lot of time and effort with, is independent, is very frustrating for the working mathematician. This is the source of the expression ” the monster of independence” . Can the ” ugly monster of independence” be tamed? Can we still find ways of settling problems that seem to be independent? In the talk we shall explore several approaches to this challenge.
Aktualizováno Středa, 16 Listopad 2022 15:15 |
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