41st WINTER SCHOOL GEOMETRY AND PHYSICS Czech Republic (Srni), January 2021 PDF Tisk

Dear friends,
in view of the continuing pandemic the standard arrangement of our winter school is impossible. Finally, we gave up the assumed hybrid form and the 41st event in the row will be run as a ZOOM online meeting in two days only, January 19 and 20, 2021.

The ZOOM meeting will be at same link for both days and I will open it around 1:30pm for checking the screen sharing and possible chat (see more details below): https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/8496363962


  • Anton Alekseev (Geneva) - Tuesday 2pm
    The Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation and its amazing properties
  • Ugo Boscain (Paris) - Tuesday 3pm
    Quantum confinement for the curvature Laplacian −Delta + c K on 2D-almost-Riemannian manifolds
  • Georgios Dimitroglou Rizell (Uppsala) - Tuesday 4:30pm
    Lagrangian classification and recurrence via pseudoholomorphic foliations.
  • Jean Petitot (Paris) - Wednesday 2pm
    Sub-Riemannian Neurogeometry of the primary visual cortex
  • Frederic Bourgeois ( Paris) - Wednesday 3pm
    An overview of contact homology
  • Dmitri Alekseevsky (Moscow) - Wednesday 4:30pm
    Geometry of rank r= 2 and 3 special Vinberg cones

Short abstracts are available here .

Meeting ID: 849 636 3962
ne tap mobile
+420239018272,,8496363962# Czechia
+420538890161,,8496363962# Czechia

Dial by your location
+420 2 3901 8272 Czechia
+420 5 3889 0161 Czechia
+420 2 2888 2388 Czechia

Meeting ID: 849 636 3962

Find your local number: https://cesnet.zoom.us/u/acaswD6HRD

Jan Slovak
on the behalf of the Organizing Committee

Aktualizováno Pátek, 15 Leden 2021 12:08