Online seminář z algebry - 7.5.2020 PDF Tisk

Další seminář z algebry se koná 7.5.2020 od 13.00 online na platformě ZOOM. Informace pro připojení a další program semináře je zde.

Christian Espindola

Topos-theoretic completeness theorems

In this talk we will delve into the background details of the previous talk by introducing syntactic proof systems and their categorical semantics, including the construction of syntactic categories and $\kappa$-classifying toposes, as well as the role of certain properties of Grothendieck topologies and Kripke-Joyal semantics. We will then study some topos-theoretic completeness theorems for certain infinitary logics that generalize results of Deligne and Joyal.

Aktualizováno Pondělí, 04 Květen 2020 10:43