MUNI Seminar series - Dana Stewart Scott - Enumeration Operators, Probability, Type Theory PDF Tisk

Seminář se koná 9.10.2019 od 16:30 v Mendelově muzeu.

Dana Stewart Scott

Enumeration Operators, Probability, Type Theory


For a long time it has been known that enumeration operators on the powerset of the integers form a model of the λ-calculus. More recently, the speaker realized that well-known methods allow for the adjunction of random variables to the model. Also other well-known ideas can expend the basic model into a model for Martin-Löf type theory. Some recent work with a group of collaborators combines the two approaches by invoking Boolean-valued models. The talk will address the question of how to give this natural modeling interesting applications.

Aktualizováno Úterý, 01 Říjen 2019 10:27