Pozvánka na habilitační přednášku 6. května 2024, Ioannis Chrysikos, PhD. PDF Tisk

Dear Colleagues,

the public habilitation talk by Ioannis Chrysikos will take place on Monday, 6 May, at 1 pm in the M6.

Title: G-structures, Dirac operators with torsion and special spinor fields

The lecture will be in hybrid form, you may join at the zoom link: https://cesnet.zoom.us/j/99001278351

The video is now available.

The details, the dissertation, and the reviews are available at Ioannis' page:  https://www.muni.cz/en/people/118307-ioannis-chrysikos/qualifications


Best regards,

Jan Slovák

Aktualizováno Pondělí, 27 Květen 2024 16:26