Tenure position(s) at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics invites applications for a tenure position in any area of research in Pure and Applied Mathematics.
The preference will be given to applicants with strong record of mathematical research in Statistics or Mathematical Modelling with closed links to their applications. We expect the successful candidate(s) to propose an active research program extending the current strength of the department and to
- become a research group leader at the position of a Professor or Associated Professor (immediately or in very close future);
- come with original ideas for prospective projects at the ERC (or similar international) level;
- co-operate (potentially) with partners on applications of mathematical methods.
The successful candidate should also teach advanced or introductory classes in Czech and/or English and be ready to supervise undergraduate and graduate students. (Knowledge of Czech language is not required – both administration and teaching can be handled in fluent and correct English, even in standard undergraduate programmes.)
The expected duration of the initial contract is up to three years, renewable under mutual agreement. The continuation of the contract is foreseen, provided both parties will be fully content with the conditions and results in both research and teaching duties.
Electronic applications accompanied by:
- a curriculum vitae including the research and teaching track record, and at least two letters of reference (to be sent separately to the address given below);
- research programme proposal
should be delivered to the address
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, not later than
SEPTEMBER 15, 2015
A shortlist of applicants will be informed within 30 days after, together with an invitation to visit the department and deliver a public lecture there. The commencement of the work is negotiable (beginning of the year 2016 will be appreciated).
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