Kolokviální přednáška - Phan Thanh Nam - Semiclassical analysis and Lieb-Thirring inequality PDF Tisk

Kolokviální přednáška se koná ve středu 19.4.2017, od 16:00 v posluchárně M1

Phan Thanh Nam

Semiclassical analysis and Lieb-Thirring inequality


In 1975, Lieb and Thirring found an elegant combination of uncertainty principle and Pauli's exclusion principle in terms of a  lower bound on the kinetic energy. Their bound agrees with the semiclassical approximation used in the Thomas-Fermi theory, up to a  constant factor. It has been a long-standing conjecture that the sharp constant coincides with the semiclassical one. In the talk, I will prove a Lieb-Thirring type inequality with the sharp constant and a gradient error term which is of lower order.

Aktualizováno Úterý, 12 Prosinec 2017 09:05