Direct train connections from Prague main station to Brno on March 4, 2009:

departure (arrival): 9:40 (13:11), 9:56 (13:34), SC 10:57 (13:25), 11:40 (15:11), 11:56 (15:34), 13:40 (17:11), 13:56 (17:34), 15:40 (19:11), 15:56 (19:34), 17:40 (21:11), 17:56 (21:34), SC 18:23 (20:51)
(Note that for travelling with SC trains you need a seat reservation.)

Direct train connections from Praha-Holešovice to Brno on March 4, 2009:

departure (arrival): 9:30 (12:14), 11:30 (14:14), 12:30 (15:14), 13:30 (16:14), 14:30 (17:14), 15:30 (18:14), 16:30 (19:14), 17:30 (20:14), 19:30 (22:14), 20:30 (23:14)

Direct train connections from Vienna Südbahnhof to Brno on March 4, 2009:

departure (arrival): 9:58 (11:39), SC 10:58 (12:30), 12:58 (14:39), SC 15:58 (17:30), 16:58 (18:39), 18:58 (20:39)
(Note that for travelling with SC trains you need a seat reservation.)

Direct train connections from Bratislava to Brno on March 4, 2009:

departure (arrival): 9:07 (10:39), 12:01 (13:39), 14:01 (15:39), 16:01 (17:39), 18:01 (19:39)