I. Drimalova, R. Simon Hilscher

Antiprincipal solutions at infinity for symplectic systems on time scales


In this paper we introduce a new concept of antiprincipal solutions at infinity for symplectic systems on time scales. This concept complements the earlier notion of principal solutions at infinity for these systems by the second author and Sepitka (2016). We derive main properties of antiprincipal solutions at infinity, including their existence for all ranks in a given range and a construction from a certain minimal antiprincipal solution at infinity. We apply our new theory of antiprincipal solutions at infinity in the study of principal solutions, and in particular in the Reid construction of the minimal principal solution at infinity. In this work we do not assume any normality condition on the system, and we unify and extend to arbitrary time scales the theory of antiprincipal solutions at infinity of linear Hamiltonian differential systems and the theory of dominant solutions at infinity of symplectic difference systems.

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Last change: 30.6.2020. (c) Roman Simon Hilscher