Šmarda Petr ( search by name in IS MU /auth )

Body na spoluautora Body za publikaci pro MU Odkaz ISVaV
12,95 25,89 Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on Festuca pannonica, F. valesiaca and F. pseudodalmatica (Poaceae)
12,95 25,89 Proposal to reject the name Festuca pannonica (Poaceae)
0,00 0,00 Genome size in Cyperaceae
19,17 76,69 Intrapopulation genome size dynamics in Festuca pallens
25,56 76,69 Genome size and GC content evolution of Festuca: Ancestral expansion and subsequent reduction
0,00 0,00 GC content, genome size and chromosome size evolution in grasses and other monocots
4,68 4,68 Flóra Přírodní rezervace Suché skály
4,68 9,36 Ploidy level variability of some Central European fescues (Festuca subg. Festuca, Poaceae)
0,00 0,00 Geographical pattern in genome size of Festuca pallens: phylogeographical interpretation of distribution range of polyploid complex
4,68 9,36 Festuca alpina, a new species to the flora of Slovakia
0,00 0,00 Diversity of vegetation types and modern pollen spektra in the Western Sayan Mts., Southern Siberia
22,83 22,83 DNA ploidy levels and intraspecific DNA content variability in Romanian fescues (Festuca, Poaceae) measured in fresh and herbarium material
32,73 65,47 Intraspecific DNA content variability in Festuca pallens on different geographical scales and ploidy levels
42,94 42,94 Ploidy Level Variability in South American Fescues (Festuca L., Poaceae): Use of Flow Cytometry in Up to 5 1/2-year-Old Caryopses and Herbarium Specimens.
0,00 0,00 Quantification of retrotransposon in Festuca pallens population varying in genome size
0,00 0,00 Correlation between GC content ond genome size in plants
0,00 0,00 GC content and average chromosome size evolution in grasses
0,00 0,00 Geologické, botanické a zoologické zajímavosti Moravskobudějovicka a Jemnicka
0,00 0,00 GC Content in Plant Genomes
0,00 0,00 Genome size variation in species with holokinetic chromosomes (Cyperaceae)
2,79 33,43 Diversity of forest vegetation across a strong gradient of climatic continentality: Western Sayan Mountains, southern Siberia
12,29 12,29 DNA ploidy level variability of some fescues (Festuca subg. Festuca, Poaceae) from Central and Southern Europe measured in fresh plants and herbarium specimens
0,00 0,00 Is GC-content Correlated with Genome Size in Plants
9,06 117,81 Plant species richness in continental southern Siberia: effects of pH and climate in the context of the species pool hypothesis.
21,82 65,47 Random Distribution Pattern and Non-adaptivity of Genome Size in a Highly Variable Population of Festuca pallens
0,32 0,65 Revision of caryological data to the genus Festuca
5,72 22,86 Revision of Central European taxa of Festuca ser. Psammophilae Pawlus: morphometrical, karyological and AFLP analysis
(c) Michal Bulant, 2011