Šimša Jiøí ( search by name in IS MU /auth )

Body na spoluautora Body za publikaci pro MU Odkaz ISVaV
0,00 0,00 VCD: A Visual Formalism for Specification of Heterogeneous Software Architectures
0,00 0,00 Under-Approximation Generation using Partial Order Reduction
7,22 14,45 VCD: A Visual Formalism for Specification of Heterogeneous Software Architectures
0,00 0,00 How to Order Vertices for Distributed LTL Model-Checking Based on Accepting Predecessors
5,03 20,12 Distributed Partial Order Reduction of State Spaces
5,03 20,12 How to Order Vertices for Distributed LTL Model-Checking Based on Accepting Predecessors
3,61 14,45 On Combining Partial Order Reduction with Fairness Assumptions
0,00 0,00 On Combining Partial Order Reduction with Fairness Assumptions
0,00 0,00 Relaxed Cycle Condition Improves Partial Order Reduction
(c) Michal Bulant, 2011