Pažourková Marta ( search by name in IS MU /auth )

Body na spoluautora Body za publikaci pro MU Odkaz ISVaV
2,09 12,56 Reorganization of language-related neuronal networks in patients with left temporal lobe epilepsy - an fMRI study.
5,71 34,27 Reorganization of language-related neuronal networks in patients with left temporal lobe epilepsy - an fMRI study.
18,86 113,17 Combined event related fMRI and intracerebral ERP study of an auditory oddball task.
2,09 12,56 Dropped head syndrome in severe intractable epilepsies with mental retardation.
5,04 30,21 fMRI evaluation of hemispheric language dominancy - new metohds of laterality index calculation
2,34 14,02 Dropped head syndrome in severe intractable epilepsies with mental retardation.
0,93 9,35 Combining advances neuroimaging techniques in presurgical workup of non-lesional intractable epilepsy.
2,54 15,21 fMRI evaluation of hemispheric language dominance using various methods of laterality index calculation.
0,00 0,00 Hydrocephalus after spinal cord injury . Report of 2 cases .
0,47 2,81 Dlouhodobá účinnost resekčních epileptochirurgických zákroků 5 let od operace.
(c) Michal Bulant, 2011