Paleček Emil ( search by name in IS MU /auth )

Body na spoluautora Body za publikaci pro MU Odkaz ISVaV
12,60 25,20 Voltammetry of Os(VI)-Modified Polysaccharides at Carbon Electrodes
0,00 0,00 Electrochemical and capillary zone electrophoresis study of pyrimidine residues modification by osmium tetroxide, 2,2´-bipyridine. Detection of unpaired and mispaired thymines in DNA heteroduplexes.
0,00 0,00 Linearna voltametria a eliminačná voltametria s lineárnou polarizáciou natívneho a denaturovaného hovädzieho sérového albuminu
21,79 130,71 Osmium Tetroxide, 2,2´-Bipyridine: Electroactive Marker for Probing Accessibility of Tryptophan Residues in Proteins
0,00 0,00 Elektrochemická analýza nativního a denaturovaného hovězího sérového albuminu
11,45 34,34 Constant current chronopotentiometry and voltammetry of native and denatured serum albumin at mercury and carbon electrodes
11,37 45,48 Label-free voltammetric detection of single nucleotide mismatches recognized by MutS protein
0,00 0,00 Application of elimination voltammetry for microanalysis of oligonucleotides and nucleic acids bases
9,14 18,28 Voltammetry of Osmium End-Labeled Oligodeoxynucleotides at Carbon, Mercury, and Gold Electrodes
(c) Michal Bulant, 2011