Kukleta Miloslav ( search by name in IS MU /auth )

Body na spoluautora Body za publikaci pro MU Odkaz ISVaV
6,04 24,17 Intracerebral P3-like waveforms and the length of the stimulus-response interval in a visual oddball paradigm.
0,00 0,00 Kuřácká sebeposuzovací škála
0,00 0,00 Spatiotemporal characteristics of EEG responses to non- target stimuli in oddball task: an exploration in epileptic patiens
0,00 0,00 Smokers self-monitoring scale
1,12 5,62 Spatiotemporal characteristics of EEG responses to non- target stimuli in oddball task: an exploration in epileptic patiens.
0,00 0,00 Early sensory ERPs in oddball paradigm (SEEG study)
0,00 0,00 Electrophysiological response to target and frequent stimuli in a frequency range of 5.5-15 Hz in a visual oddball paradigm
6,04 30,21 Event-related desynchronization and synchronization in a visual oddball task (a stereoelectroencephalic study)
0,28 0,57 Fyziologie temporálního laloku
4,73 9,45 Chaotic EEG patterns during recall of stressful memory related to panic attack
0,94 5,62 Changes of oscillatory activity in a visual oddball task (sEEG study)
1,12 5,62 Correlation between stimulus-response intervals and peak amplitude latencies of visual P3 Waves
2,36 4,73 Limbic irritability and chaotic neural response during conflicting stroop task in the patients with unipolar depression
2,81 5,62 Pros and cons of smoking evaluated in Czech adolescents
26,80 80,39 Possibility of dentinal pain control by the application of dentine adhesives
5,62 5,62 Prefrontal depth-recorded potentials during processing a salient auditory stimulus
1,40 5,62 Vliv psychického stresu na zdravotní stav obviněného v průběhu trestního řízení
0,00 0,00 Component N400 can be demonstrated in the event-related potential from a simple auditory reaction time paradigm
6,04 30,18 Beta 2-band synchronization during a visual oddball task
6,47 32,34 Cognitive network interactions and beta 2 coherence in processing non-target stimuli in visual oddball task
2,67 8,00 Kouření u adolescentů: ověřování metodiky a základních teoretických předpokladů transteoretického modelu
3,85 11,55 Neur. chaos a schizofrenie
2,00 4,00 Traumatic stress, anxiety and epilepsy
2,81 5,62 Smokers self-monitoring scale: a pilot study of possibilities of a graphic form
1,12 5,62 Synchrozation of ECoG activity during response to non-target stimuli in oddball task: An exploration in epileptic patients
26,80 80,39 A possibility of dentinal pain control by application of dentine adhesives
(c) Michal Bulant, 2011