Chytrý Milan ( search by name in IS MU /auth )

Body na spoluautora Body za publikaci pro MU Odkaz ISVaV
7,13 35,64 Maps of the level of invasion of the Czech Republic by alien plants
12,45 49,79 Modified TWINSPAN classification in which the hierarchy respects cluster heterogeneity
0,94 4,68 Stachys setifera C. A. Mey.
26,73 53,46 Surface pollen-vegetation relationships in the forest-steppe, taiga and tundra landscapes of the Russian Altai Mountains
0,00 0,00 Suchomilná ruderální vegetace s dvouletými a vytrvalými druhy
51,64 51,64 Weed vegetation and its conservation value in three management systems of Hungarian winter cereals on base-rich soils
0,00 0,00 Bioassay experiment for assessment of site productivity in oak forests
71,28 71,28 Vegetation-plot data and databases in Europe: an overview
0,97 15,60 Vegetace České republiky 2. Ruderální, plevelová, skalní a suťová vegetace
0,00 0,00 What are the biological and ecological traits of successful weed species?
0,00 0,00 A comparison of unsupervised and supervised classification of meadow vegetation of the Czech Republic
14,52 29,05 Alien plants in temperate weed communities: prehistoric and recent invaders occupy different habitats
46,80 46,80 Frontiers of vegetation science - An evolutionary angle
0,00 0,00 Local and regional factors determining species composition of Central European weed vegetation
18,47 36,94 Interpretation of the last-glacial vegetation of eastern-central Europe using modern analogues from southern Siberia
30,84 30,84 Habitat invasions by alien plants: a quantitative comparison among Mediterranean, subcontinental and oceanic regions of Europe
1,56 1,56 Invaze nepůvodních druhů v rostlinných společenstvech
0,00 0,00 Kam se šíří zavlečené rostliny? 3. Obecné příčiny invazibility společenstev
0,00 0,00 Kam se šíří zavlečené rostliny? 1. Rozdíly v invadovanosti velkých území
0,00 0,00 Kam se šíří zavlečené rostliny? 2. Invadovanost a invazibilita rostlinných společenstev
15,32 30,64 European map of alien plant invasions based on the quantitative assessment across habitats
21,31 42,63 Invasion success of alien plants: do habitat affinities in the native distribution range matter?
6,57 32,83 The global invasion success of Central European plants is related to distribution characteristics in their native range and species traits
31,12 62,24 Effects of different fidelity measures and contexts on the determination of diagnostic species
11,37 34,12 Vegetation of lowland wet meadows along a climatic continentality gradient in Central Europe
0,00 0,00 Vegetation classification: moving to larger scales
29,94 119,75 Stratified resampling of phytosociological databases: some strategies for obtaining more representative data sets for classification studies
119,75 119,75 Supervised classification of plant communities with artificial neural networks
0,00 0,00 Modern pollen spectra versus vegetation diversity along a continental gradient in the Western Sayan Mts., Southern Siberia
6,50 26,00 Invasions by alien plants in the Czech Republic: a quantitative assessment across habitats
0,00 0,00 Predictive modelling of potential distributions of plant associations in the Czech Republic
0,00 0,00 Patterns of plant traits in annual synanthropic vegetation along the urbanity gradient in the Czech Republic
58,65 117,29 Effects of abiotic factors on species richness and cover in Central European weed communities
0,00 0,00 European oak woodlands: past, present and future
0,00 0,00 Formalized classification of ombrotropic bog vegetation of the Czech Republic
11,84 23,68 Diversity of bryophytes on treeless cliffs and talus slopes in a forested central European landscape
1,90 7,61 Classification of weed vegetation of arable land in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
59,87 119,75 Effects of plot size on the ordination of vegetation samples
0,00 0,00 Diversity of vegetation types and modern pollen spektra in the Western Sayan Mts., Southern Siberia
1,38 5,51 Local ranges of phytosociological associations: are they reflected in numerical classification?
0,00 0,00 Influence of sample plot size on the data analysis.
0,00 0,00 Habitat invasions by alien plants: a quantitative comparison between mediterranean, subcontinental and oceanic part of Europe
6,85 34,23 Patterns of plant traits in annual vegetation of man-made habitats in central Europe
4,68 4,68 Návrh české terminologie vztahující se k rostlinnými invazím
0,00 0,00 Podyjí National Park: botanical excursion guide
64,65 129,30 Plant attributes determining the regional abundance od weeds on central European arable land
0,20 0,20 Phytosociology
0,00 0,00 Pavlov Hills: botanical excursion guide
0,00 0,00 Rostlinné invaze v České republice: situace, výzkum a management
0,00 0,00 Relationship between species richness and landscape heterogeneity: case study from middle elevation of the Czech Republic
6,93 13,87 The relationships of modern pollen spectra to vegetation and climate along a steppe-forest-tundra transition in southern Siberia, explored by decision trees
12,17 60,85 Separating habitat invasibility by alien plants from the actual level of invasion
0,78 0,78 Projekty 6. rámcového programu Evropské unie zaměřené na biologické invaze: DAISIE a ALARM
0,63 1,90 Vegetace
0,00 0,00 Alpínská vřesoviště
0,00 0,00 17th International Workshop European Vegetation Survey. Using phytosociological data to address ecological questions. 1-5 May 2008, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. Abstracts and Excursion Guides
0,00 0,00 Decision trees - an aid for matching present and past in pollen and vegetation
0,00 0,00 GIS and Analysis of Biodiversity Data on Spatial Scale: Case Study on Spatial Prediction of Plant Species
22,75 45,50 Environmental control of the vegetation pattern in deep river valleys of the Bohemian Massif
2,79 33,43 Diversity of forest vegetation across a strong gradient of climatic continentality: Western Sayan Mountains, southern Siberia
0,78 2,34 Dvanáct let výzkumu rostlinných invazí v České republice a ve světě
8,06 8,06 Classification of inland Bolboschoenus-dominated vegetation in Central Europe
4,65 9,30 Changes in vegetation types and Ellenberg indicator values after 65 years of fertilizer application in the Rengen Grassland Experiment, Germany
0,00 0,00 Louky a mezofilní pastviny
0,00 0,00 Plant trait patterns in annual vegetation of Central European human-made habitats
0,00 0,00 Project Vegetation of the Czech Republic: Preface and summary of methods
0,00 0,00 Pattern of alpha- and beta-diversity of vegetation in deep river valleys of Bohemia Massif
0,00 0,00 Pionýrská vegetace písčin a mělkých půd
0,00 0,00 Písečné stepi
9,06 117,81 Plant species richness in continental southern Siberia: effects of pH and climate in the context of the species pool hypothesis.
11,38 11,38 Regional species pools of vascular plants in habitats of the Czech Republic
0,00 0,00 Smilkové trávníky a vřesoviště
1,23 23,40 Vegetace České republiky 1. Travinná a keříčková společenstva
0,00 0,00 Suché trávníky
3,81 19,02 Sampling design in large-scale vegetation studies: Do not sacrifice ecological thinking to statistical purism!
0,00 0,00 Úvod
59,87 119,75 Semi-dry grasslands along a climatic gradient across Central Europe: Vegetation classification with validation
59,87 119,75 Statistical determination of diagnostic species for site groups of unequal size
0,00 0,00 Statistical determination of diagnostic species for site groups of unequal size
14,20 14,20 Vegetation of the rock outcrops and screes in the forest-steppe and steppe belts of the Altai and Western Sayan Mts., southern Siberia
14,20 14,20 Beech forest communities in Bulgaria
0,00 0,00 Alien species in weed vegetation on arable land in the Czech Republic
0,00 0,00 Vymezení vegetačních jednotek a jejich interpretace
(c) Michal Bulant, 2011