Gregor Jakub ( search by name in IS MU /auth )

Body na spoluautora Body za publikaci pro MU Odkaz ISVaV
14,23 42,69 Growth assays with mixed cultures of cyanobacteria and algae assessed by in vivo fluorescence: One step closer to real ecosystems?
36,25 72,50 Detection and estimation of potentially toxic cyanobacteria in raw water at the drinking water treatment plant by in vivo fluorescence method
1,17 8,20 A whole population study of gastrointestinal stromal tumors in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
5,77 28,87 Characterization of the DMD/BMD patient population in Czech Republic and Slovakia using an innovative registry approach
0,00 0,00 Představení dvou systémů pro detekci cyanobakterií a jejich toxinů v surové vodě
(c) Michal Bulant, 2011