Dubový Petr ( search by name in IS MU /auth )

Body na spoluautora Body za publikaci pro MU Odkaz ISVaV
0,07 0,07 Neurovědy
0,00 0,00 Changes of intraneuronal immunostaining for chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans in the bodies of primary afferent neurons following constriction nerve injury
48,33 145,00 A heterogeneous immunofluorescence staining for laminin-1 and related basal lamina molecules in the dorsal root ganglia following constriction nerve injury
6,21 12,43 Experimental models of peripheral neuropathic pain based on traumatic nerve injuries. An anatomical perspective
0,00 0,00 Intra- and extraneuronal changes of immunofluorescence staining for inflammation-related molecules in the experimental models of peripheral neuropathic pain
0,00 0,00 End-to-side Neuroraphy in Treatment of Brachial Plexus Injury
0,00 0,00 The expression of cannabinoid receptor type 2 in the dorsal root ganglia in rats after peripheral nerve injury
0,00 0,00 Extrinsic endoneurial cues for sorting of regenerated sensory and motor axons in the peripheral nervous system
0,00 0,00 Changes in expression of cannabinoid receptor CB2 in the dorsal root ganglia of some rat models of neuropathic pain
0,00 0,00 Functional and electrophysiological aspects of the neuritization procedure in brachial plexus injury
4,09 20,46 Intra- and Extraneuronal Changes of Immunofluorescence Staining for TNF-a and TNFR1 in the Dorsal Root Ganglia of Rat Peripheral Neuropathic Pain Models
4,00 8,00 Immunohistochemical labelling of components of the endoneurial extracellular matrix of intact and rhizotomized dorsal and ventral spinal roots of the rat - a quantitative evaluation using image analysis
10,51 10,51 Quantitative assessment of the ability of collateral sprouting of the motor and primary sensory neurons after the end-to-side neurorrhaphy of the musculocutaneous with ulnar nerve
3,65 10,95 Patofyziologie kompresivní radikulopatie
10,04 10,04 Direct repair (nerve grafting), neurotization, and end-to-side neurorrhaphy in the treatment of brachial plexus injury
0,00 0,00 Behavioural sensitization to methamphetamine is associated with cannabinoid CB1 receptors downregulation in the rat brain VTA
3,20 15,99 Increased invasion of ED-1 positive macrophages in both ipsi- and contralateral dorsal root ganglia following unilateral nerve injuries
10,91 32,73 Cannabinoid receptors 1 and 2 (CB1 and CB2), their distribution, ligands and functional involvement in nervous system structures. A short review
2,78 13,88 Bilateral changes in IL-6 protein, but not in its receptor gp130, in rat dorsal root ganglia following sciatic nerve ligature
1,09 2,18 Anatomical and Pathophysiological Aspects of Radicular Pain as a Basis for Therapeutic Strategies
0,00 0,00 ANTROPOLOGICKÝ SLOVNÍK (s přihlédnutím k dějinám literatury a umění) aneb co by mohl o člověku vědět každý člověk
0,00 0,00 Bilateral quantitative changes of laminin-1 in the spinal nerve roots after unilateral sciatic nerve injury
9,32 18,63 An experimental animal model of spinal root compression- an analysis of morphological changes
(c) Michal Bulant, 2011