Brát Luboš ( search by name in IS MU /auth )

Body na spoluautora Body za publikaci pro MU Odkaz ISVaV
3,98 7,96 Eclipsing Binaries with Possible Light-Time Effect
2,39 7,16 Light-Time Effect in the Eclipsing Binaries GO Cyg, GW Cep, AR Aur and V505 Sgr
0,00 0,00 RW Lacertae: nová fotometrická trojhvězda
0,00 0,00 RW Lacertae: a New Photometric Triple Star
8,80 35,20 Apsidal motion in eccentric eclipsing binaries: CW Cephei, V478 Cygni, AG Persei, and IQ Persei
(c) Michal Bulant, 2011