Blinka Lukáš ( search by name in IS MU /auth )

Body na spoluautora Body za publikaci pro MU Odkaz ISVaV
1,56 4,68 Blog jako cesta k porozumění dospívajícím
2,34 4,68 Význam členství v online fanouškovské komunitě pro adolescenty
32,43 64,86 Fourteen Is Fourteen and a Girl Is a Girl: Validating the Identity of Adolescent Bloggers
13,62 40,85 Playing MMORPGs: Connections between Addiction and Identifying with a Character
0,00 0,00 Matching reality and virtuality: Are adolescents lying on their weblogs?
4,68 4,68 The relationship of players to their avatars in MMORPGs: differences between adolescents, emerging adults and adults
0,56 2,23 Abhangigkeit und Internet-Applikationen: Spiele, Kommunikation und Sex-Webseiten
0,86 2,57 Comparing Addictive Behavior on the Internet in the Czech Republic, Chile and Sweden
4,00 8,00 """Role-playing"" hry v kontextu analytické psychologie"
(c) Michal Bulant, 2011